We are happy to provide telemedicine services if you are unable to make it in to the office for any reason.
Please fill out the form below to request an appointment date/time with our doctor.
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Telemedicine calls will never be able to replace hands-on treatment, but there are many uses for connecting remotely. If you are staying home, you can still connect with us as needed through my telemedicine platform. This is a service via computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Here are a few reasons to use telemedicine:
Ergonomic assessments
o If you’re working from home, let’s assess your setup to minimize the negative impact it can have on your musculoskeletal system.
New injuries
o If you have new onset of pain, you may want to set up a quick call to see if you need to come in or how to manage it on your own. I would be able to watch you move, take a history, and evaluate the severity.
Acute onset of a chronic condition
o If you are dealing with a condition that flares up periodically, you may just want some advice for the current flare.
Review of findings
o If I’ve ordered x-rays or an MRI, we can review the findings remotely. You’ll be able to see the images and I can explain them to you. This can be done in 5-10 minutes and you don’t even have to leave where you are.
Rehab review
o I’ve instructed most of you on rehab exercises to do at home. This can sometimes be difficult to do correctly at first until you get better at them.
Consultation about diet and supplements
o We may have talked about the nutrition side of your health in the office, and now can be a good time to review.
Telemedicine is now an approved service through your insurance carrier. If you don’t have insurance that covers my office, cash prices are as follows:
5-10 minutes $25
11-20 minutes $45
21-30 minutes $65