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333 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL, 60601
United States



The Doctor

Dr. Peter Schulz, D.C.


Dr. Schulz is your trusted chiropractor in Chicago’s loop with easy access from anywhere in Chicagoland, but particularly the Loop, Streeterville, Near East Side, Lakeshore East, Near North, River North, Gold Coast, South Loop, and West Loop. He specializes in the diagnosis and management of biomechanical musculoskeletal pain and injuries. Lots of mechanical pain problems are often treated by using drugs or surgeries. This is not the most effective way of treating a mechanical problem. Especially considering the current opioid epidemic in this country, natural forms of pain management and correction of the problem is paramount in helping someone get better. Dr. Schulz believes strongly in finding the root of the problem and correcting that as opposed to just treating symptoms.

Dr. Peter Schulz graduated from Queens University in Charlotte, NC with a Bachelors of Science in Biology in 2001. Dr. Schulz attended the National University of Health Sciences in Lombard, IL where he received a second Bachelors degree in human biology and his Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 2005.

While at Queens University, he majored in Biology and was a 4 year starter on the soccer team. He did many internships in various areas including physical rehabilitation, cardiology, orthopedics, and athletic performance, including speed training for players on the Charlotte Hornets and Carolina Panthers. Dr. Schulz had worked a number of years as a personal trainer at a golf injury and performance center

He furthered his expertise in the diagnosis and management of sports injuries by doing extensive coursework and passing the exam for the designation of Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician (CCSP). This is an extensive course of study in sports injuries and treatment including current concussion protocols. Although sports are a passion of his, he is very interested in body mechanics and helping people resolve neuromusculoskeletal problems, and being healthy.

He has furthered his education by adding diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound to his toolbox to be able to diagnose problems immediately in office and provide follow-up imaging to measure progress. This is a tremendous tool to see muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints in the office.  It can often replace the need for an MRI.

Dr. Schulz has also studied dry needling which is a very effective treatment for many conditions. It allows access to muscles directly which can be sometimes difficult to have an effect on with other modalities.